IDA 2025 Bill Book
The 2025 legislative session has come to a close. Take a look at the bills of interest from the legislative session the IDA followed and worked on, and where the bills finished.
For Against Undecided
HF 13, Requires Medicaid to increase rates for providers annually, either by the rate of increase for the CPI for the Midwest or 2.5%, whichever is less.
Most Recent Action: 01/14/2025: Introduced, referred to Health and Human Services.
HF 90, Requires all continuing education credits to relate directly to the practice of the licensed profession.
Most Recent Action: 1/30/2025: Subcommittee: Lundgren, Harris, and Srinvas.
HF 303, Establishes minimum time periods that a health benefit plan (including dental insurers) has to respond to prior authorization requests. The bill also requires health benefit plans establish a pilot program to eliminate prior authorization requests when the requests are routinely approved. Companion bill to SF 231. (Previously HSB 19)
Most Recent Action: 02/20/2025: Passed House, yeas 92, nays 0.
HF 337, Requires MCOs for dental Medicaid to align reimbursement rates for dental Medicaid with the Hawki program dental rates.
Most Recent Action: 02/12/2025: Introduced, referred to Health and Human Services.
HF 338, Removes the restriction for dental assistants to administer local anesthesia.
Most Recent Action: 02/12/2025: Introduced, referred to Health and Human Services.
HF 636, Requires dental insurer companies to easily identify if a plan is subject to Iowa law through the insurer’s provider portal and on the patient’s card. (Previously HSB 183)
Most Recent Action: 02/25/2025: Committee report approving bill. Yeas, 22. Nays, 0. Excused, 1.
HF 637, Limits the time frame dental insurance companies can request or withhold funds to offset or clawback an overpayment to one year. The bill also requires dental insurance companies to include an appeals process for a finding of overpayment by a dental insurance company. (Previously HSB 190)
Most Recent Action: 02/25/2025: Committee report approving bill. Yeas, 22. Nays, 0. Excused, 1.
HF 648, Creates a host permit to allow dental providers to offer moderate sedation services through a third-party anesthesia provider without the need to obtain a moderate sedation permit themselves. (Previously HF 339)
Most Recent Action: 03/19/2025: Senate HHS Subcommittee: Alons, Pike, and Wahls. 03/13/2025: Passed House, yeas 95, nays 0.
HF 754, Increases funding for rural health care, including allowing FIND to access funds under the Health Care Workforce Shortage Fund. Giving FIND greater flexibility in money used for the program. Companion bill to SSB 1163. (Previously HSB 191)
Most Recent Action: 03/05/2025: Referred to Appropriations. 02/25/2025: Committee report approving bill. Yeas, 19. Nays, 0. Excused, 2.

Most Recent Action: 03/20/2025: Passed House, yeas 70, nays 19.
HF 874, Requires dental insurance companies to honor prior authorizations, inform dental providers when state law applies to a plan, and limits the time a dental insurance company can clawback an overpayment. Combines the three dental insurance bills in the House to match the language in and become the companion bill to SF 470. (Previously HSB 182)
Most Recent Action: 03/19/2025: SF 470 substituted. 03/07/2025: Committee report, approving bill.
SF 231, Establish minimum time periods for which a health benefit plan (including dental insurers) has to respond to prior authorization requests. The bill also requires health benefit plans to establish a pilot program to eliminate prior authorization requests when the requests are routinely approved. Companion bill to HF 303. (Previously SSB 1016)
Most Recent Action: 02/10/2025: Committee report, approving bill.
SF 319, Creates cost controls for health care services, such as disclosing a discounted cash price to patients and rebates for patients from health insurance carriers as a savings incentive. (Previously SSB 1029)
Most Recent Action: 03/19/2025: House Commerce Subcommittee recommends passage. 03/11/2025: Passed Senate, yeas 47, nays 0.
SF 470, Requires dental insurance companies to honor prior authorizations, inform dental providers when state law applies to a plan, and limits the time a dental insurance company can clawback an overpayment. Combines the three dental insurance bills in the House into one bill. (HSB 182, HSB 183, and HSB 190) (Formerly SSB 1146)
Most Recent Action: 03/19/2025: Passed House, yeas 96, nays 0. 03/17/2025: Passed Senate, yeas 46, nays 0.
SF 575, Increases funding for rural health care, including allowing FIND to access funds under the Health Care Workforce Shortage Fund. Giving FIND greater flexibility in money used for the program. Companion bill to HF 754. (Previously SSB 1163)
Most Recent Action: 03/05/2025: Committee report approving bill.