IDA 2025 Bill Book
The 2025 legislative session has come to a close. Take a look at the bills of interest from the legislative session the IDA followed and worked on, and where the bills finished.
For Against Undecided
HF 13, Requires Medicaid to increase rates for providers annually, either by the rate of increase for the CPI for the Midwest or 2.5%, whichever is less.
Most Recent Action: 01/14/2025: Introduced, referred to Health and Human Services.
HSB 19, Establishes minimum time periods that a health benefit plan (including dental insurers) has to respond to prior authorization requests. The bill also requires health benefit plans establish a pilot program to eliminate prior authorization requests when the requests are routinely approved. Companion bill to SSB 1016.
Most Recent Action: 01/15/2025: Introduced, referred to Commerce. Subcommittee: Nordman, Lawler, and Srinivas.
SSB 1016, Establishes minimum time periods that a health benefit plan (including dental insurers) has to respond to prior authorization requests. The bill also requires health benefit plans establish a pilot program to eliminate prior authorization requests when the requests are routinely approved. Companion bill to HSB 19.
Most Recent Action: 01/16/2025: Introduced, referred to Health and Human Services. Subcommittee: Klimesh, Costello, and Trone Garriott.