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Medicaid One Page

Impact of a Smile

Iowa's Dental Medicaid Program is Falling Behind
In the last four years, ALL the states bordering Iowa made significant investments in their dental Medicaid programs.

Align Iowa Dental Wellness Plan (DWP) rates
with Hawki rates to increase access to quality dental care
Dental Medicaid Rates Not Keeping Up With Costs

In the News
- Local kids get access to dental care, but Medicaid issue still concerning - The Daily Nonpareil 2/11/25
- Sioux Center dentist working to address child dental issues with special dental day - KTIV 1/24/25
- State of decay: No easy fix for Arkansas's dental health problems - Arkansas Times 1/1/25
- Dental patients are plagued by a growing shortage of Medicaid providers in rural Iowa - Iowa Public Radio 12/12/24
- Evaluation of the Iowa Health and Wellness Plan - University of Iowa 12/2/24
- Crisis throughout the state': Local Medicaid recipients struggle to find dental care- Telegraph Herald 1/10/24