Why Contribute to IDPAC?
During the 2025 legislative session, your IDA advocacy team will focus on three main issues: dental insurance reform, increasing dental Medicaid rates, and the dental workforce shortage. In order to make significant progress and achieve our goals on these issues, it is important we have a strong PAC behind us!
IDPAC helps Iowa dentists get in front of legislators when we need to have tough conversations about our legislative priorities.
![]() | "As private practice dentists, we often exist on small islands, but our profession needs to continue to move in a common direction. IDPAC provides that voice and acts for our professional interests. IDPAC has proven quite powerful in reaching goals to protect us, our profession and our patients. Like so many things, it is dependent upon participation and numbers. We can't assume someone else is doing it. I encourage our peers to contribute, even if it's not at the highest level. There is power in high numbers of participants, and the more contributors we have, the more change we can affect. I'm continually grateful for those speaking on our behalf, while we provide care directly to Iowa's population. No single dentist can take care of everyone in Iowa, and we need others around us, doing their jobs well, too. This is one way for us to work together." -Dr. Ben Selden, Bettendorf |
![]() | “I chose to become a key contact for the IDA because it provides an opportunity to influence policy decisions and advocate for dentists as well as oral healthcare within my particular community. Being involved has also helped me develop a better understanding of the political landscape as well as feel more empowered in the decisions that are made which affect us as dentists as well as the patients that I see. I would highly encourage anyone considering being a key contact for the IDA to do it. It is a great learning experience and a way to positively impact the future of dentistry.” -Dr. Chris Aldrich, Cedar Falls |

“I have found that very few people in state government have any knowledge of modern dentistry and its value in a person’s health. I answer dental questions on an almost daily basis when the legislature is in session.
During the shutdown of dental offices due to COVID-19, I had several phone calls with the Governor’s staff and explained how dentists would be willing and able to make the necessary precautions to help mitigate the spread of COVID and follow CDC guidelines. I believe these calls helped get dental offices open ahead of projected time."
-Iowa Representative Thomas Jeneary, DDS, on the importance of dentists being involved in state politics