Iowa Dental Foundation
The Iowa Dental Foundation (IDF) provides a means for dentists and others to experience the collective power of giving, with an opportunity to invest in the future of dentistry as well as for the benefit of the communities it serves. Dentists have always been generous with their time, energy and services, and the IDF provides another avenue for giving back to the community.
The IDF was established in 1994 as a non-profit public foundation to benefit the general public. Our vision is to be the primary facilitator of dental health programs in Iowa. The IDF's mission is to create opportunities that improve the oral health of Iowans.
Your generous donations allow the Foundation to:
- Coordinate charitable events that provide free dental care services (specifically the Iowa Mission of Mercy)
- Grant scholarships that assist qualified persons to obtain instruction and training in dental studies and higher education
Donating to the Foundation
Your contributions are essential to the long-term growth and success of dental programs in Iowa. All individual contributors of $250 or more per fiscal year (July – June) will be invited to attend an invitation-only event during the IDA’s annual conference to recognize their generous support of the IDF.
All gifts are tax deductible (in accordance with applicable limits) under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
The IDF accepts donations of all types throughout the year.
If you prefer to donate via check, please make your check out the Iowa Dental Foundation and mail to:
Iowa Dental Foundation
666 Grand Ave, Ste 901
Des Moines, IA 50309
Planned Giving
Planned gifts help ensure that the IDF will continue to build on its good works far into the future. Through planned giving, your ultimate gift to the Iowa Dental Foundation will help create and sustain new opportunities to facilitate dental health in the state.
There are a wide variety of planned gifts: from simple wills or bequests, annuities, beneficiary designated accounts, revocable living trusts, charitable lead trusts, and others. Many factors need to be considered when determining which type of planned gift best meets your needs. Your financial advisor can help you decide the best planned gift method for your particular needs.
For more information on planned giving, please contact the Iowa Dental Foundation at 515.331.2298.