Legislative Successes
A recap of legislative successes from the past four years can be found below.
2024 Legislative Session Recap
Dental Insurance Reform
Dental insurance reform is at the top of the list of IDA successes from the 2024 legislative session. The IDA dental insurance reform bill, HF 2400, marked the first time since 2010 the state of Iowa passed a dental insurance reform law. The bill addressed two issues dentists in Iowa face: network leasing and virtual credit cards. The new law requires dental insurers to make dentists aware of network leasing activity and provide the opportunity to opt-out without retribution by the contracting insurer. The law also requires insurers to offer alternative payment methods to virtual credit cards, such as checks or direct deposits.
Boards and Commissions
Another success was the Governor's Boards and Commissions bill, SF 2385. A section of the over 300-page bill initially recommended shrinking the size of the dental board from nine to seven members by removing one dentist and one public member from the board. Through persistent lobbying efforts by your IDA advocacy team, this section was removed from the final version of the bill that was signed into law, and the composition of the dental board has been preserved.
Dental Medicaid Rates
Unfortunately, despite continued advocacy efforts, the Health and Human Services budget, HF 2698, was largely status quo, with no increases for dental Medicaid services included. One important highlight from the budget bill is that the Hawki program continues to have strong legislative support, with a $2.6 million increase for the entire program included in the bill.
IDA Day on the Hill

The 2025 IDA Day on the Hill was a huge success, with dentists and dental students coming together to advocate for the future of their profession at the third annual event. Participants engaged directly with legislators, addressing key issues such as Medicaid and insurance reforms. This event provided a valuable platform for lawmakers to hear firsthand from those delivering dental care in Iowa, ensuring that the voices of dentists were heard on critical matters affecting the dental profession.
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See more from the IDA Day on the Hill by viewing the pictures on the IDA Facebook page.
2024 Legislative Session Recap
A highlight from the 2024 legislative session was another successful IDA Day on the Hill, with 10 dental students and seven dentists sharing their stories and experiences with legislators at the Iowa Statehouse. Much of the day was spent focusing on the IDA’s dental insurance reform efforts and increasing Medicaid rates, as explained above. Legislators resonated with the stories from our group, many sharing the frustrations providers have with network leasing, virtual credit cards, and the low Medicaid rates.
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See more from the IDA Day on the Hill by viewing the pictures of the day on our IDA Facebook page.
2023 Legislative Session Recap
The 2023 legislative session ended on Thursday, May 4, with the House and the Senate passing the final portions of the state's budget for SFY24, beginning in July. While we were not able to achieve a dental Medicaid increase, we had several areas of success and strides were made in educating lawmakers on the issues surrounding the practice of dentistry in Iowa.
A key success for dentistry was the passage of the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Licensure Compact, HF 656. The bill was signed by Governor Reynolds on April 27 (pictured above), making Iowa the first state to sign the compact into law. The compact will allow dentists and dental hygienists to obtain authorization to practice in states they are not licensed if that state is a part of the compact. The compact will go into full effect once four other states join Iowa, Tennessee, and Washington and sign the compact into law.
The 2023 session had its challenges. Among those was HF 149, which would have created a tax on all gross dental revenues in Iowa at one and one-half percent, with the funds collected going to the state's general Medicaid fund. The IDA lobbying team worked to ensure the bill did not move forward. Although the bill is eligible for debate in the 2024 legislative session, the quick efforts by the lobbying team have ensured the bill will not move forward.
Thank you to the dentists who helped our advocacy efforts this year. Whether you spoke to your legislator as a key contact, came to the Iowa Statehouse to speak about dentistry, or contributed to IDPAC, you helped to positively impact the dental profession.
2022 Legislative Session Recap
Governor Proclaims February 2022 Children's Dental Health Month in Iowa

In honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month, Governor Reynolds signed a proclamation declaring February 2022 Children’s Dental Health Month in Iowa. IDA, joined by the Iowa Department of Public Health, University of Iowa College of Dentistry, Delta Dental of Iowa, Iowa Dental Board, Oral Health Iowa, Dental Connections, and the two dentists in the legislature Representative Dr. Steve Bradley and Representative Dr. Tom Jeneary, came together to celebrate the importance of oral health from an early age and witnessed the Governor signing the proclamation.
2021 Legislative Session Recap
2021 Marks a Big Year for Dentistry in the Legislature
Dentistry had a successful year at the Statehouse in 2021, with two IDA-sponsored bills signed into law by Governor Reynolds. Below is an update on the 2021 IDA Legislative Priorities upon the conclusion of the legislative session in May:
Hawki Dental Benefits
Priority: Maintain the existing Hawki dental program and benefits.
IDA's priority for this session was to maintain Hawki benefits within the existing program. With the passage of the Health and Human Services (HHS) Appropriations Bill, HF891, Hawki will be maintained at its current reimbursement levels for the next fiscal year.
Dental Wellness Plan & Medicaid Fee-for-Service
Priority: Increase DWP and FFS reimbursement to more closely align with Hawki rates, which will allow dentists to cover their costs and facilitate greater access throughout the state.
While the IDA asked legislators to increase dental Medicaid rates, HF891 set the reimbursement rates for Medicaid dental services to remain at current rates.
Do-It-Yourself Dentistry
Priority: Protect patients before they begin any orthodontia treatment.Joining the IDA in supporting this law are the American Association of Orthodontists, SmileDirectClub, Delta Dental of Iowa, and the Iowa Dental Board.
Access to Care
Priority: Ensure patient safety by requiring licensed dentists to supervise all other oral healthcare providers.
Access to basic dental services is directly related to overall health. Lack of adequate oral healthcare can lead to the development of chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease – which may result in expensive and avoidable emergency room visits. IDA strongly supports increasing access to care for vulnerable Iowans and is committed to collaborating with existing provider groups to achieve this goal. The best way to ensure patient safety and best outcomes is for licensed dentists – who undergo the most rigorous training in the field – to supervise all other oral healthcare providers. IDA also supports efforts to ensure dental offices in Iowa are fully staffed so they can provide quality dental care to Iowans.
Fluoridation Reporting Requirements
Priority: Require communities to inform their citizens before discontinuing water fluoridation.HF390 was signed by Governor Reynolds on April 30. This bill requires water systems to notify their customers 90 days prior to any action to permanently discontinue fluoridation. Notice will be provided on water bills or other means, allowing time for community dentists and consumers to contact the water system and local government regarding the decision to discontinue fluoridation.
IDA has drafted a letter template dentists may use to dissuade their community from discontinuing water fluoridation if proposed.
Increase State Funding for the Fulfilling Iowa’s Need for Dentists (FIND) Program
Priority: Increase state funding for FIND from $100,000 to $500,000 for SFY22.The HHS Appropriations Bill, HF891, did not increase state funding for the program.