Waterloo District Dental Society

The Waterloo District Dental Society includes the counties of Black Hawk, Grundy, Hardin, Marshall, Tama, and the northern half of Story County.

President                        Andrew Richter, DDS, Waterloo
Vice-President               Benjamin Squires, DDS, Waterloo
Secretary/Treasurer     Alison Christensen, DDS, Waterloo
IDA Trustee                    Michael Stufflebeam, DDS, Marshalltown

Upcoming Events

Waterloo District Dental Society Spring Business Meeting

Wednesday, March 26, 2025
6:00 -8:00 PM
Single Speed Brewery
325 Commercial St Waterloo
All district member dentists are encouraged to attend!

Waterloo District Dental Society Spring Education Meeting

Thursday, March 27, 2025
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Isle Casino
777 Isle of Capri Blvd, Waterloo
This full-day educational meeting is open to all dental professionals in the district.

Register Today!

Morning Session
9:00 AM - Noon (2.75 CEs)

Hot Therapeutic Topics for the Dental Team: From Weed to Weight Loss!
Professor Karen Baker

Session Description

Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) are unfortunately both common and destructive in our society. We will discuss new developments in the neurophysiology and treatment of common SUDs. Recreational marijuana is currently legal in 24 states and initiatives are currently being promoted in many more states. We will review the pharmacology of cannabis products and discuss oral effects and dental treatment ramifications for patients who frequently use cannabinoids with special emphasis on risks of high potency THC among adolescents.

What if your patient’s blood pressure in the chair is 170/100? Is it safe to treat? How can you evaluate real risks? Karen will present a new way to manage these situations based on new guidelines and publications in JADA and medical journals. Are your patients taking or asking about the new “skinny shot”? You’re frequently seeing Eliquis on patient med histories so how do you handle surgical appointments? Finally, we’ll review the new class of peptides that are changing the approach to chronic obesity management and discuss dental treatment implications. Very current handouts will maximize the chairside value of this timely information.

Professor Karen Baker Bio

Professor Karen Baker has been on the Dental College faculty at the University of Iowa for over 40 years and occupies a unique role in dental practice and education. She is a clinical pharmacist with a Master’s degree in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics and is focused on patient-specific dental drug therapy. She has given well over 1000 invited programs nationally and internationally and holds memberships in many dental and clinical pharmacology and therapeutics organizations. Her dental education-based pharmacy and drug therapy consultation center is the only one in the United States. She has authored many articles and abstracts and lectures extensively in pre-doctoral and graduate courses at the University of Iowa.

Afternoon Session
1:00 - 4:00 PM (2.75 CEs)

Bruxism: Current Perspectives and Its Impact on Temporo-Mandibular Disorders
Leonardo Marchini, DDS, MSD, PhD


IDA Annual Session

May 8-10, 2025
Iowa Events Center, Des Moines

Waterloo District Dental Society Fall Business Meeting

Wednesday, September 17, 2025
6:00 -8:00 PM
Single Speed Brewery
325 Commercial St Waterloo
All district member dentists are encouraged to attend!

Waterloo District Dental Society Fall Education Meeting

Thursday, September 18, 2025
Isle Casino
777 Isle of Capri Blvd, Waterloo
This full-day educational meeting is open to all dental professionals in the district.

Bylaws Revision

The revised Waterloo District Dental Society bylaws were approved at the 2024 spring business meeting on March 27. Thank you to Drs. Lori Mason, Chris Aldrich, Michael Stufflebeam, and Brent Ludens, and IDA Government Affairs Director Josh Carpenter for their work to bring the district bylaws up to date.

If you have any questions regarding the bylaws, please contact the IDA staff.

Waterloo District Dental Society Bylaws